PhD in NanoPhysics, School of physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia (2010-2012).
MSc. in Applied Physics, School of physics, Mazandaran University, Iran (2005-2007)
BSc. in Applied Physics, School of physics, Tabriz University, Iran (1999-2004)
Novel techniques for fabrication of field effect transistors, sensors, MEMS, MOEMS, nano solar cells and photovoltaic systems.
Investigation on the field emission phenomena in nano-structures and vertical and lateral nano-devices.
Synthesis of zinc oxide and CNTs nanostructures with various morphologies as electron emitting source, gas sensor, photovoltaic and solar cell applications
Investigation of physical, mechanical, heat sealability, barrier, thermal and antibacterial properties of bionanocomposite Films.
Sanggar Sanjung Award for Excellent Achievement in Journal Publications, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 2012
Best Poster Award, NANO-SciTech 2014 & IC-NET 2014, 1-3 March, Malaysia
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