Research Topic


PoCResT will be concentrating on these research topics: 


The commercial polymer matrix has some setback such as rigid and brittle, low toughness, low thermal and environmental stability resulting to limitation in the applications. Our aim is to physically and/ or chemically modified the commercial polymer matrix to improve the properties in which will result to the increase the number of applications of the polymer matrix system. In making those modifications, the cost factors will be taken into consideration where the modification made shall have no severe effect on the polymer matrix prices hoping to give a competitive alternative material.


The human implant, especially at the lower limb, mostly made of titanium and only a small part that is made from polymers. Looking at some disadvantages of the titanium, our research group is trying to find the most suitable (physical, mechanical & physiological compatible) polymer composites material with the possibility acting as an alternative materials to be considered since the polymer composite can be tailored to almost replicate the mechanical properties of the bones. The design and the materials can further simulate using FEA as to obtain the combination of best design and the type of polymer composites.


Hybridization of the fillers or fibres in a polymer matrix to form polymer composite are the most common recipe in order to obtain a well balanced of the polymer composites properties and are being applied in most of the polymer composite research nowadays. It seems simple, nevertheless, the challenge of understanding the interaction and the behaviour of these fillers and/ or fibres as they are being put together is not that easy. New knowledge and understanding are expected to be shared among fellow researchers around the world in the effect of hybridization of nano-fillers, nano-/ micron fillers, particulate fillers (nano-/ micron fillers) with fibre system and hybrid fibre composite system.


When talking about a reduction of carbon footprint, one of the considerations is the usage of the bio-based material. For composite system, we use bio-base materials as fillers either in fibrous form or in particulate form. The study will be concentrated on the effect of incorporating these fillers into the polymer matrix and matching it to the possible product to be fabricated. Having said that, the research does not stop there, where we expend our observation into the fracture behaviour of the natural based fibre polymer composite system by identifying the individual type of fibre failure that might happen. With this information we hoped that the usage of bio-based filler system can further be enhanced - reducing cost and save our mother nature.




No Name Programme Research Title Supervisor

Mohd Nizam Yusof

PhD Purification of Biogas Using Reactivated Spent Carbon From Used Water Filter Cartridges Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ahmad Zafir Romli

Sidratul Sarah Mohd Hami


Development of Nylon 6/Polythetreflouroethylene (PTFE) Bilayer Membrane Incorporating Nanozeolites for Water Filtration

Dr. Ahmad Faiza Mohd

Hazmi Hilmi Saroni


Thermal and Fire-Retardant Properties of Alumina Insulation Blanket / Nanosilica Rice Husk White Ash (RHA) Derived Aerogel

Dr. Ahmad Faiza Mohd

Siregar Achmad Hussein


Development of Performance Additive Nano-Silica Derived from Waste Rice Husk for Low Rolling Resistance Green Tyre

Dr.Ahmad Faiza Mohd

Mohd Kahirulniza Mansor

PhD Novel Lightweight Thermoplastic Elastomer with Potential Commercial Applications Dr.Ahmad Faiza Mohd

Nadiyah Abdullah Zawawi

PhD Investigation Of Linseed Oil Effect As Bio-based Plasticiser On Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) Denture Base Material. Dr. Nik Noor Idayu Nik Ibrahim

Khairul Zikri Abdullah

PhD A Study On The Potential Of Discarded Synthetic Natural Fiber For Relief Printmaking Matrix In Artistic Practice Dr.Nik Noor Idayu Nik Ibrahim
 8  Nur Syahrul Nizam Abd Malek Master

Reduction in Void Volume Fraction of the Nylon Micro-Beads/Epoxy Composites Via Fused Technique

 Dr.Nik Noor Idayu Nik Ibrahim

Radin Mazlan Bin Radin Baharudin

Master  The Effect of Catalyst to the Fuel Performance Using Pyrolisis Process Dr.Ahmad Faiza Mohd

Nur Dinnie Ahmad Sapian


Modernization on the Injection Dyes of the Traditional Natural Fibres

Dr.Ahmad Faiza Mohd

Muhamad Haziq Mohd Fadzli


The Effect Of Nanoparticle - Activated Palm Kernel Shell (N- APKS) on Curing and Mechanical Properties of Filled Natural Rubber Vulcanizates.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Nur Liyana Mamauod
13 Nur 'Aisyah Ar-Raudhoh Mohammad Tahar Master

Influence of Nano-Palm Kernel Shell Biochar (N-PKSB) as an Alternative Bio-Filler on Curing And Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Nur Liyana Mamauod

Farzana Amirah Khairudin

Master Reclaimed Rubber Blends Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Nur Liyana Mamauod

 Last updated: 6 March 2025

Research Grants


No Title Amount (RM)

Industry Matching Programme (IMAP) 2.0

Industry Collaborator : Noor Arfa Holdings Sdn Bhd

Novel Digital Ink System Based on Grafted Acrylate Functionality for Cotton Printing Towards Reduction of Carbon Footprint for Malaysian Batik

Dr. Ahmad Faiza Mohd




Elucidating the Chemical and Rheological Charateristics of nanometal-Filled Silica-Based Coating for

Porous Ceramic Surface

Dr. Nik Noor Idayu Nik Ibrahim





Characterizations of Physico-Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Toughened Epoxy-Based Natural and Synthetic Fibre Hybrid Composite In Novel Design Of Locking Compression Plate

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Zafir Romli


Advancing Medical Engineering : Harnessing Additive Manufacturing and Computational Analysis for

Tailored Solutions

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ahmad Zafir Romli


 Last updated : 6 March 2025




The Effect of Fibre Orientation on the Density and Tensile Properties of Basalt Fibre/Epoxy Composites

by Abdua A.N.F.; Ibrahim N.N.I.N.

Published in Journal of Mechanical Engineering (2025)

Design Modification and Finite Element Analysis of Stainless Steel 316L Locking Compression Plates for Mid-Transverse Fractures

by Nazeri M.N.B.; Shuib S.; Romli A.Z.; Miswan M.F.M.

Published in Journal of Mechanical Engineering (2024)


Composites techniques optimization and finite element analysis of kenaf fiber reinforced epoxy nonwoven composite structures for renewable energy infrastructure

by Owen M.M.; Wong L.S.; Achukwu E.O.; Romli A.Z.; Nazeri M.N.; Shuib S.

Published in Journal of Industrial Textiles (2024)


Mechanical and thermal characterization of resin-infused cotton fabric/epoxy composites: Influence of woven construction parameters and surface treatments

by Owen M.M.; Wong L.S.; Achukwu E.O.; Romli A.Z.; Shuib S.B.

Published in Journal of Industrial Textiles (2024)



by Ismail S.N.S.; Ibrahim N.N.I.N.; Rasli S.N.; Majid N.A.; Wahab N.M.A.; Jamal S.N.; Zakaria S.; Nazir K.

Published in ASEAN Engineering Journal (2022)

The Optimisation of Fabrication Process For Various Chemically Treated Kenaf Fibres In Epoxy Matrix Composites; Mustakim Mohd Ghaztar, Ahmad Zafir Romli and Nik Noor Idayu Nik Ibrahim; IOP Conference Series: Materials and Engineering 839, 2020
Tribological and Physical Performance of Micro Bearing Concept for Diluted Epoxy Filled with UHMWPE Composite; Ahmad Aizuddin Ariffin, Ahmad Zafir Romli, Nik Noor idayu Nik Ibrahim; IOP Conference Series: Materials and Engineering 839, 2020

The Effect of Viscosities of Various Coating Solutions on The Physical, Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Kenaf/Epoxy Composites; Muhammad Mustakim Mohd Ghaztar, Ahmad Zafir Romli and Nik Noor Idayu Nik Ibrahim; Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry; Vol. 10, Issue 3, 2020, pp. 5660-5664

The Physical and Morphological Properties of Kenaf Fibres/ Epoxy in Coating Treatment Process; Mustakim Mohd Ghaztar, Ahmad Zafir Romli, Sarani Zakaria and Nik Noor Idayu Nik Ibrahim; Scientific Research Journals, Vol. 16, no. 3, 2020, pp. 43-58

The Effect of Acetone Dilution towards the Surface Topography and Morphology of Micro Bearing Concept for Epoxy Filled UHMWPE Composite; Ahmad Aizuddin Ariffin, Ahmad Zafir Romli, Nik Noor idayu Nik Ibrahim, Nur Faiqa Ismail; Scientific Research Journals, Vol. 16, no. 3, 2020, pp. 27-42

Effect of Hectorite Clay Loading on Thermal Properties of Superabsorbent Polymer Composite Based on Polystyrene-Graft-Polycrylic Acid/Hectorite Clay and Mung Bean Starch , Nurul Fasiha Deraman , Nur Raihan Mohamed , Ahmad Zafir Romli , Key Engineering Material ISSN:162-9795 Vol 801 , pp 109-114

Bamboo and Glass Fibre Hybrid Laminated Composites as Locking Compression Plate (LCP) for Tibia Fracture Treatment , Solehuddin Shuib , Nur Faiqa Ismail , Muhammad Nazif Nazri , Ahmad Zafir Romli , J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1150 012028

Mechanical properties of one layer and seven layer glass fibre reinforced unsaturated polyester filled with P84 polyimide , Nik Noor Idayu , Ahmad Zafir , AIP Conference Proceedings 1985, 030008 (2018)

Tensile Properties of Nanoclay (NC)-Acrylonitrile Terminated Polybutadiene (ATBN) Modified Epoxy Composites , Siti N.L Mamauod , Ahmad Zafir Romli , Haizum Faiqah Mustafa Bakri , Journal of Mechanical Engineering 5(5):44-52 

The effect of masterbatch technique on the properties of the unsaturated polyester filled with P84 polyimide and MWCNT hybrid composites , Nik Noor Idayu Nik Ibrahim , Siti N.L. Mamauod , Ahmad Zafir , AIP Conference Proceedings 1885, 020022 (2017)

The effect of aliphatic glycidyl ether (AGE) on the morphological and physico mechanical properties of carboxylic terminated butadiene acrylonitrile (CTBN) modified epoxy resin , Noor Hidayah Juahir , Siti N.L Mamauod , Ahmad Zafir Romli , AIP Conference Proceedings 1985, 030009 (2018)

Synergistic effect of nano calcium carbonate (NCC)/carbon black (CB) on the cure characteristics and physico-mechanical properties of NR/SBR blends , Siti N.L Mamauod , Ahmad Zafir Romli , Mohd Ismail Rifdi Rizuan , AIP Conference Proceedings 1885, 020028 (2017)

Synergistic effect of hybrid nanofiller (nano-calcium carbonate/nano-silicone dioxide) on the tensile and impact properties of modified epoxy resin (EP/CTBN) composites, Siti N.L Mamauod , Noor Amira Nabillah Ab Rahim , Nur Raihan Mohamed , Ahmad Zafir Romli , AIP Conference Proceedings 1985, 030003 (2018)

Mechanical properties of three layer glass fibre reinforced unsaturated polyester filled with P84 Polyimide , Nik Noor Idayu Nik Ibrahim , Siti N.L. Mamauod , Ahmad Zafir , AIP Conference Proceeding 1901,030009(2017)

Physical and Mechanical Properties of ENR Compatibilized NR/NBR Blends Reinforced Nanoclay and Nanosilica, Ahmad Z. Romli, Siti N. L. Mamauod, 2017, Macromol. Symp. 371, (27-34)
The Fibre Damage Due to the Mechanical Cutting of Treated and Untreated Kenaf Short Fibre/Unsaturated Polyester Composite, Ahmad Zafir Romli, and Muhammad Mustakim Mohd Ghaztar, Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 13, 65–76, 2017
Preparation and Characterization of Cellulose and Microcrystalline Cellulose Isolated from Waste Leucaena Leucocephala Seeds, Maryam H., Abd Rashid L., Norfadhilah R., Ahmad Zafir R., Mohd Idham H., Zul I., 2017, International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, vol 4, No. 3 (51-58)
Fuel Characterization and Thermogravimetric Analysis of Melon (Citrullus colocynthis L.) Seed Husk, B. B. Nyakuma, O. Oladokun, Y. A. Dodo, M. F. Abd Halim, 2016, Chemistry & Chemcial Technology, Vol. 10, No. 4 (493-497) 
Effect of Carbon Black Structures towards Heat Build-Up Measurement and its Dynamic Properties, R. Rizuan, M. Ismail, A. Wahab, M. Azizol, Romli A.Z., 2015, Advanced Materials Research 1134 (131-137)
The Influence of Femoral Ball Size on the Range of Motion that Fulfills the Criteria of Safe Zone Orientation Acetabular Cup, Manap, M.F.A., Shuib, S., Romli, A.Z., Shokri, A.A., 2015, Jurnal Teknologi, (volume 76, issue 7) 
The mechanical properties of rice husk/ recycle plasticized polyvinyl chloride composite , Rahman, F.N.A., Romli, A.Z., Abidin, M.H.  2014, Advances in Environmental Biology 8 (8 SPEC. ISSUE 3)
Properties of epoxidised palm oil (EPO)/styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) compound , Nasir, A.N.M., Romli, A.Z., Wahab, A. 2014, Advances in Environmental Biology 8 (8 SPEC. ISSUE 3)
Effect of epoxidized palm oil (EPO) on tensile properties and density of rubber compounding , Anis Nazurah, M.N., Romli, A.Z., Wahab, M.A., Abidin, M.H.  2013, Advanced Materials Research 812
Effect of epoxidized palm oil loading on the swelling and mechanical properties of SBR vulcanizates , Nurul Ayunie, M.Z., Romli, A.Z., Wahab, M.A., Abidin, M.H. 2013,Advanced Materials Research 812
Tensile and flexural properties of Casuarina equisetifolia unsaturated polyester composites , Nurulaini, B., Romli, A.Z., Abidin, M.H. 2013, Advanced Materials Research 812
Tensile properties of aminosilane treated rice husk/ recycled PVC composite , Ramle, M.S., Romli, A.Z., Abidin, M.H. 2013, Advanced Materials Research 812
Effect of rice husk particle size on tensile and density of recycled PPVC composite , Farah Nordyana, A.R., Romli, A.Z. 2013, Advanced Materials Research 812
Effect of epoxidized palm oils loading on the crosslink density and rebound resilience characteristic of SBR vulcanizates , Nurul Ayunie, M.Z., Romli, A.Z., Wahab, M.A., Abidin, M.H. 2013, Advanced Materials Research 748
The effect of hybridization of the glass fiber- flexible modified epoxy and rigid epoxy composite properties under low- velocity impact , Mamauod, S.N.L., Abidin, M.H., Romli, A.Z. 2013, Advanced Materials Research 626
Preparation and impact properties of epoxy/ epoxidized palm oil blend glass fiber reinforced composite systems , Mamauod, S.N.L., Abidin, M.H., Romli, A.Z.  2012,Advanced Materials Research 482-484
Effect of Epoxidized Palm Oil (EPO) on Tensile Properties and Density of Rubber Compounding , A. Nazurah, M. Nasir, A.Z. Romli, M.A. Wahab, M.H. Abidin, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 812
Effect of Epoxidized Palm Oil Loading on the Swelling and Mechanical Properties of SBR Vulcanizates , N. Ayunie, M. Zaki, A.Z. Romli, M.A. Wahab, M.H. Abidin, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 812, 236-240
Tensile and Flexural Properties of Casuarina equisetifolia Unsaturated Polyester Composites , B. Nurulaini, A.Z. Romli, M.H. Abidin, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 812
The Effect of Carbon Black and Types of Glass Fibre in Natural Rubber Latex Composite , N.A. Salleh, M.H. Abidin, A.Z. Romli, 2013, Journal of Engineering Science 9
Effects on Tensile and Morphology Properties of Casuarina Equisetifolia Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Composites , N. Borhan, A.Z. Romli, M.H. Abidin, 2013, Advanced Material Research 748
'Green' Polymer Matrix from Renewable Resources: Preparation of Epoxidized Palm Oil-based Epoxy Blends with Imidozole Catalyst , S.N.L. Mamauod, M.H. Abidin, A.Z. Romli, 2011, International Journal of Polymer Technology 3 (2)
Development of flexible composites for soft body armour/Wan Yunus Wan Ahmad..[et. al] , W. Ahmad, W. Yunus, M.R. Ahmad, J. Salleh, A. Samsuri, M.H. Abidin, 2007, Research Management Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA
Combination of recycle solid waste Polyethylene Terephtalate (PET), unused factory reject polystyrene foam and bird feathers with the thermoset polymer matrix , A.Z. Romli, M.H. Abidin, 2006, Institute of Research, Development and Commercialization, Universiti Teknologi MARA
Characterisation of structure and physical properties of high performance packaging films , A.Z. Romli, 2002, Universiti Teknologi MARA



 1 Invention, Innovation & Design UiTM, 2010 – 2 Gold & 3 Silver
 2 Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE), KL, 2009 – 1 Silver & 1 Bronze
 3 British Invention BIS, 2009 – 1 Silver
 4 SME Innovation Showcase
 5 Invention and Product Exposition (INPEX), 2010 – 1 Silver & 1 Bronze                                                                         
 6 Invention, Innovation & Design Exposition UiTM (IIDEX), 2013 – 3 Silver
 7 Invention, Innovation & Design Exposition UiTM (IIDEX), 2015 – 1 Silver
 8 Invention, Innovation & Design Exposition UiTM (IIDEX), 2017 – 2 Silver
 9 Invention, Innovation & Design Exposition UiTM (IIDEX), 2018 - 2 Bronze
10 Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX), 2018 - 1 Silver

Technical Bulletins

Vol 1 Issue 1 Vol 1 Issue 2 Vol 1 Issue 3 & 4